Club Remote Station...

Category: Site Pages Published: Sunday, 12 April 2020 Written by Super User

The remote club station is running and ready for testing.

Currently, KD8TUT, KW0RM, AD8BU, and N8SS are testing transmit. The radio is available to all Club members as a receiver while we are testing.

You'll need to download the client and create an account from here:

    Once you have the client installed, start the RCForb client and login to the client (this is the account you setup on the remote hams site).

    Once the client loads: There will be a list of stations. Look for the W8MAI Club Station- double click the station listing.

    The current station is an Apache Labs ANAN 100D.

    Further Documentation will be available in the future, however, here are the software manuals:

    Getting Started: Remote Hams Documentation


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