Local Repeaters

Category: Site Pages Published: Thursday, 06 June 2019 Written by Super User


Local Repeaters



DSTAR Information: 

On March 18, 2017 Matt Adrian (KD8ZB) presented a program to BARA on basic use of DSTAR radios and provided some information on their setup for our repeater.

The repeater's dashboard is located at Repeater Dashboard

Berrien Amateur Radio Emergency Services holds 2 nets per week:

ARES (Amateur Radio emergency Services) Net meets Sunday at 7:00 p.m. on 146.820 MHz with 442.775 cross band link. Alternate frequencies are 147.180 with a 94.8 pl 146.720 with a 131.8 pl or 146.46 simplex.

SKYWARN Net meets Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. on the same frequency/alternates.

Following the ARES and SKYWARN nets there is an ARES and SKYWARN roll call net on the W8MAI D-STAR Repeater.

NEW! Blossomland Amateur Radio Association Saturday Social Net:

Join us Saturday nights at 9:00PM on the 146.820MHz and 442.775MHz repeaters for the new social net.  A great way to get to know other area amateur radio operators in an informal setting.

You do not have to be a member of BARA, ARES, or SKYWARN to check into the nets. Please join us!


Hits: 19900