Category: Site Pages
Published: Thursday, 12 March 2020
Written by Super User

08 February 2025

The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U.S. with news, information and resources.
  • Hurricane Watch Net Turning 60, Seeking Net Control Operators

    The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN), founded on Labor Day weekend 1965, is celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2025. The net, known for relaying surface observations into the National Hurricane Center, is also seeking volunteers to serve as net control operators. 

    Net Manager Bobby Graves, KB5HAV, reports HWN is preparing for what could be, yet again, an above-average hurricane season and that the net...

  • Training the Next Generation of Net Controllers

    Amateur radio operators are known for their desire and unique ability to provide public service through communications. Whether activated for a severe weather event or a local event such as a marathon or bike ride, the utility value and versatility of the Amateur Radio Service is enjoyed by communities around the country. One critical aspect of coordinating the communications is the role of net...

  • Propagation Update reports that sunspot 3981 has produced more than 20
    M-class solar flares, including two that almost reached category X.

    The activity is likely to continue today. The sunspot retains a
    delta-class magnetic field that harbors energy for frequent

    The current solar forecast calls for there to be no G1 (Minor) or
    greater geomagnetic storms.  A potential glancing blow is possib...

  • Learning Opportunity - On the Air Live: “How to Use Your Handheld Radio”

    ARRL is helping members get the most out of amateur radio through On the Air Live, a monthly series of training sessions. The live events are hosted by ARRL Education Specialist Wayne Greene, KB4DSF, and offer a deep dive into topics hams will find useful. “We had a great crowd at January’s On the Air Live,” said Greene. “We showed folks how to get started in slow scan television (SSTV).”

    The ne...

  • Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act Re-Introduced
  • Long Time Ham Radio Outlet Employee Honored for 60 Years in Amateur Radio

    Paul Szczerbinski, W9KHO, an employee of Ham Radio Outlet in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, received a Certificate of Honor from HRO President Robert Ferrero, W6KR, for 60 years as an amateur radio operator. This is just the second time the award has been presented.

    Szczerbinski’s history in radio dates to 1964, when, after being honorably discharged from the United States Air Force, he began working for...

  • NCJ North American CW Sprint is This Weekend

    By Ward Silver, NØAX

    Imagine a weekend without a single full-bore pro football game. (American football, my DX and soccer-aficionado friends.) Not one. No hours of pre-game jabber. No amazing on-screen graphics and gadgets. No breathless half-time reports or injury updates. What is a right-thinking person to do? How about the CW Sprint?

    The NCJ North American CW Sprint runs on Saturday evening, F...

  • ARRL Teachers Institute a Success on Staten Island

    ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio® celebrates that the first field session of the ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology reached nine New York City area educators, but the ripple effects will reach thousands of students. The session was held at the Staten Island Technical High School, home of a thriving and active amateur radio club. It was led in part by Everton Henriques...

  • The ARRL Solar Report

    Solar Update Report January 30, 2025

    The sun has been moderately active this past week. The greater than 2 MeV (solar particle event) electron flux at geostationary orbit is expected to remain mostly at normal to moderate levels January 30 - 31. A coronal hole high-speed stream is expected to arrive February 1. Particle injection during this time will likely elevate the 2 MeV electron flux to hi...

  • Changes in the ARRL Utah Section

    Brett Pruitt, K7BDP, has been named the new Section Manager of the ARRL Utah Section. He has previously served as the Section Emergency Coordinator and has been active in leadership of his local Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) group. Pruitt has been instrumental in expanding use of AREDN networks within Utah.

    Pruitt was appointed to the role effective February 1, 2025. The change comes...

  • Warm Up at 2025 Orlando HamCation®, February 7 – 9
  • ARRL Club Grants Fund Hardware for Florida students to make contact with the International Space Station

    Pine View School for the Gifted (PVS) in Osprey, Florida, has an opportunity to achieve a historic milestone on Tuesday, January 28, at 12:21 PM (EST), when students and faculty make live contact with astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS). The event marks the first time any school in Sarasota County has been selected to take part in the Amateur Radio on the International Space...

  • ARRL Club Grant Program Awards a Half Million Dollars to Grow Ham Radio

    Thirty-seven amateur radio clubs benefitted from $500,502 in grants through the ARRL Club Grant Program to implement projects that educate, recruit, train, and promote amateur radio in their communities. Funding for the grants comes from Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC).   

    There were 110 applicants to the 2024 ARRL Club Grant Program, with applicants from all ARRL Divisions and 40 st...

  • Former QST Columnist, Dr. Emil Pocock, W3EP, Silent Key

    Dr. Emil Pocock, W3EP, has become a Silent Key. He passed away on January 10, 2025, at the age of 78. From 1992 to 2002, Pocock edited “The World Above 50 MHz” for ARRL’s membership journal, QST. He served as a volunteer in the ARRL Laboratory for many years. 

    Pocock was first licensed at the age of 12 and found a career as an academic. He was well-regarded by colleagues at ARRL as always being...

  • Get Ready for "Ham Radio Open House" on World Amateur Radio Day 2025

    To help promote amateur radio science and technology, and to honor the 100th anniversary of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU), ARRL is inviting radio clubs and schools to organize a Ham Radio Open House in April, built around World Amateur Radio Day (WARD) on April 18.

    The event is intended to highlight the Amateur Radio Service for its development and practice of the latest radio com...

QRZ Amateur Radio News

Category: Site Pages
Published: Thursday, 12 March 2020
Written by Super User

BARA Ham of the Year Recipients

Category: Site Pages
Published: Wednesday, 25 September 2019
Written by Tim Richards
Year Name Call Sign
2008 Annie Kaeding W8ALK
2009 Bill Wheeler W8JBA
2010 Gary Wallis KB8VIM
2011 Chuck Davis KC8YTA
2012 Matt Adrian KD8ZB
2013 Randy Kaeding K8TMK
2014 Ron Ackerman N8KBG
2015 Tim Richards KD8NOH
2016 Dan Utroske KF8Z
2017 Ken Jewell N8OL
2018 Bob Mann W8LHP
2019 Matt Severin N8MS
2020 Ron Warczynski K9RON
2021 Frank Lemanski AD8BU
2022 Ira Bilancio NX8I
2023 Pete Videnovich KD8UDO
2024 Earl Morse N8SS

Southgate Amateur Radio News

Category: Site Pages
Published: Thursday, 12 March 2020
Written by Super User

Amateur Radio Daily

08 February 2025

An aggregate of Ham Radio related news.
  • Amateur Radio Software Award Nominations

    The Amateur Radio Software Award is seeking nominations for outstanding software developed for ham radio. Nominations should promote innovative, free, and open source projects. Submissions are being accepted until February 28th.

    See previous award recipients, read the rules, and check out the FAQ.

    Source: Amateur Radio Software Award

  • Lonar Meteor Lake Special Event AU6LON

    Lonar Meteor Lake is a creator lake formed by the impact of a meteor 5,00,000 years in the past. It is an astronomical wonder in itself. VU2DSI, Datta from India is operating/activating from this unique place in the world of astronomy from 20 February to 24 February 2025.

    Lonar Meteor Lake in Buldhana district, Maharashtra state in India.

    Special event callsign AU6LON.

    February 20th through February 25th 2025.

    • 10 meters - 28 545, 28520, 28450 & 29650 (FM) kHz.
    • 15 meters- 28350, 21310, 21235 kHz.
    • 20 meters- 14210, 14250, 14330 kHz.
    • 40 meters - 7030, 7140, 1418 kHz.

    Source: QRZ

  • Monday Overdrive for February 3rd, 2025

    Each week so much compelling content is considered for Amateur Radio Weekly but there's always a handful of great links that just can't fit. These are the links that didn't make it into issue 367 of Amateur Radio Weekly.

    Learn more about Amateur Radio Weekly.

    Source: Amateur Radio Weekly

  • ARRL Seeks Nominations for Awards

    ARRL seeks your help in honoring the outstanding work done by hams, through the ARRL Service Awards. There are a host of different awards which are divided into four categories: Education Awards, Media/Public Relations Awards, Technical Awards, and Distinguished Service Awards.

    Awards include:

    • Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award
    • ARRL Herb S. Brier Award for Instructors and Teachers
    • ARRL Microwave Development Award
    • ARRL Technical Service Award
    • ARRL Technical Innovation Award
    • ARRL Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award
    • ARRL Bill Leonard Award
    • Knight Distinguished Service Award
    • George Hart Distinguished Service Award

    Most nominations are due by March 31st and can be submitted through the ARRL.

    Source: ARRL

  • Monday Overdrive for January 27th, 2025

    Each week so much compelling content is considered for Amateur Radio Weekly but there's always a handful of great links that just can't fit. These are the links that didn't make it into issue 366 of Amateur Radio Weekly.

    Learn more about Amateur Radio Weekly.

    Source: Amateur Radio Weekly

  • Southeastern VHF Conference 2025 Announcement & Call for Papers

    The following is a press release from the Southeastern VHF Conference:

    Southeastern VHF Conference 2025 Announcement & Call For Papers

    Quality Inn, 3095 Wilma Rudolph Blvd, Clarksville, TN 37040

    April 4th and 5th, 2025

    Papers and presentations are solicited on both the technical and operational aspects of VHF, UHF and Microwave weak signal amateur radio. Some suggested areas of interest are:

    • Transmitters, Receivers, Transverters
    • RF Power Amplifiers, RF Low Noise Preamplifiers
    • Antennas
    • Construction Projects
    • Test Equipment and Station Accessories
    • Station Design and Construction
    • Contesting, Roving, DX-peditions
    • EME, Propagation (Sporadic E, Meteor Scatter, Troposphere Ducting, etc.)
    • Digital Modes, Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Software Defined Radio
    • (SDR) Amateur Satellites, Amateur Television

    In general papers and presentations on non-weak signal related topics such as FM repeaters and packet will not be accepted but exceptions may be made if the topic is related to weak signal. For example, a paper or presentation on the use of FM simplex in contests or on the use of APRS to track rovers during contests would be considered.

    All submissions for publication in the proceedings should be in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) formats. Submissions for presentation at the conference should be in Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt or .pptx) format and delivered at the conference on a USB memory stick. Please understand that your PowerPoint Slide presentation will not be accepted to be published in the proceedings; only meaningful text will be published in the proceedings, not slides that need description for understanding.

    Size should be 81⁄2 x 11-inches.

    Top and sides should be 0.75 inches; bottom must be 1 inch.

    You may choose your font, however, try and use standard fonts. The font should be clean and easy-to-read 12 pt.

    Either a one or two-column format.

    Page numbers:
    Do not include page numbers.

    Do not include Headers and/or Footers.

    Drawings should be embedded in the files. Place them where you’d like them to appear.

    Color or black-and-white digital images if utilized should be embedded in text files. Place them where you’d like them to appear.

    We print what we receive. We do not copy edit (but will correct something if we notice it – or if you notice it and let us know). We try to make all papers somewhat uniform, but we do not rework each article. Page numbers are added as we prepare the files for our printer.

    The deadline for the submission of papers and presentations is February 15, 2025.

    Please indicate when you submit your paper or presentation if you plan to attend the conference and present your paper in person or if you are submitting solely for publication.

    Papers and presentations are being handled by Mike Stipick, KC4RI, and should be sent to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Mike may be contacted at the same email address if you have any questions.

    Source: Southeastern VHF Conference

  • HAARP to Conduct Research Campaign January 28 through February 2 (Updated)

    1/26/2025 Update: Due to extreme weather conditions, the dates of this campaign have shifted to run January 28th through February 2nd.

    The following press release was received from the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP):

    Date: January 21, 2025
    To: Amateur Radio & Radio Astronomy Communities
    From: HAARP Program Office
    Subject: Notice of Transmission

    The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) will be conducting a research campaign January 28 through February 2 UTC, with operating times specified in the table below. Operating frequencies will vary, but all HAARP transmissions will be between 2.75 MHz and 10 MHz. Actual transmit days and times are highly variable based on real-time ionospheric and/or geomagnetic conditions. All information is subject to change.

    This campaign is being conducted in support of research proposals from UAF, the University of Florida, the Naval Research Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and the University of Houston. Research topics for this campaign include VLF generation and ducting, studies on STEVE airglow, and space debris detection. This campaign will also support the GIRAFF rocket launch from Poker Flat Research Range, which is investigating the mechanisms that cause flickering and pulsing within the aurora. More information on GIRAFF is available here:

    Note that a number of experiments will be conducted based on the critical frequency (f0F2) determined by the Gakona ionosonde. The included transmission notice supplement contains information on the frequencies HAARP is authorized to transmit. HAARP transmissions will only occur on our authorized frequencies. There are no specific data collection requests from funded investigators, but reception reports are appreciated and may be submitted online via our web form at:

    For updates on ionospheric conditions in Gakona, including f0F2, please consult ionograms from the HAARP Diagnostic Suite:

    Additional Resources for Reading Ionograms

    Understanding HF Propagation and Reading Ionograms from Bootstrap Workbench:

    Reading Your Ionogram-Keeping It Simple from John (VE6EY):

    Source: HAARP

  • HB9RG Trophy Celebrates First Amateur Radio Contact via Satellite

    AMSAT Switzerland has announced a special event and contest that encourages hams to make extreme long-distance contacts via amateur satellite. The event recognizes Dr. Hans Rudolf Lauber (HB9RG) and his contribution to amateur radio. HB9RG and Alfons Häring (DL6EZA) conducted the first amateur radio contact via satellite on March 10th, 1965.

    The event runs for 2 weeks, March 3-16. The 10 furthest contacts will be evaluated. The full set of rules is available here [PDF].

    Source: AMSAT Switzerland

  • HamSCI Announces Personal Space Weather Station Sessions via Zoom

    The Personal Space Weather Station (PSWS) network is a distributed series of receivers designed to measure the space environment. These stations are built by professionals, citizen scientists, and ham radio operators.

    HamSCI and its partners are constantly at work on expanding the network, improving the PSWS data collection hardware and software, growing the network infrastructure for data storage and retrieval, as well as meeting HamSCI's ultimate goal, analysis of the collected data.

    HamSCI has announced a recurring series of Zoom based sessions to help those interested in the project. Sessions occur each Thursday at 10:00 AM Eastern. More information is available on the HamSCI website.

    Source: HamSCI

  • Monday Overdrive for January 20th, 2025

    Each week so much compelling content is considered for Amateur Radio Weekly but there's always a handful of great links that just can't fit. These are the links that didn't make it into issue 365 of Amateur Radio Weekly.

    Learn more about Amateur Radio Weekly.

    Source: Amateur Radio Weekly

  • IP400 Network Project Announced

    Designed by Martin Alcock (VE6VH) with support from the Alberta Digital Radio Communications Society (ADRCS), the IP400 Network Project is designed to enhance amateur radio repeaters. IP400 aims to bring digital voice modes, data transfers, messaging, and a data networking layer that links repeaters together via RF.

    The latest issue of Zero Retries features in-depth write-ups of IP400, including a message from VE6VH outlining the history and vision of the project.

    We have a ground floor opportunity to develop our own mesh network in the 420-450 MHz band that can be used for many different applications, the limit of which is the imagination alone. The first step is to get a simple chat and beaconing application running to experiment with the technology. From there we can layer on other features and frame types, and then consider moving into the repeater world. To give the project a name, it has been dubbed ‘IP400’, for Intelligent (not Internet!) Protocol.

    Source: ADRCS

  • Ham Radio Event 2025C

    A special event announcement from the German Amateur Radio Club (DARC):

    The European Capital of Culture 2025 Chemnitz is the background of the German special event call signs (SES) DL2025B, DL2025C, DL2025E, DL2025S and DL2025W. In the period from January 18th to March 31st, 2025, these five SES will announce this event worldwide in a 2025C Award Event.

    An attractive and sophisticated online award program is offered for the three participant groups DL, EU and non-EU. In the levels Bronze, Silver and Gold, numbered awards are offered free of charge in the modes CW, Phone, Digital and Mixed. A ranking of the qualified hunters can also be found on the event website. The same applies to SWLs! QSL confirmation is only digital. In addition, a verifiable dQSL can be downloaded. More information or via like

    Source: DARC

  • POTA: Winter Support Your Parks Weekend

    The winter edition of Support Your Parks Weekend takes place January 18th and 19th. This is an official Parks on the Air (POTA) event that encourages operators to make their way to a park and enjoy the day.

    Support Your Parks Weekend takes place 4 times per year, winter, spring, summer, and autumn.

    Getting started with POTA can happen via one of two paths — as an “activator” who heads out into the parks or as a “hunter” who is trying to contact someone in a park. The easiest way to participate in POTA is as a hunter.

    Source: POTA

  • 2025 HamCation Awards Winners Announced

    Get ready to celebrate the best of the best! Orlando HamCation is thrilled to reveal the winners of the 2025 HamCation Awards. This year’s competition was fierce, with an incredible pool of nominees, all showcasing outstanding qualifications. Every candidate has earned their place in the spotlight, and their unwavering passion for advancing amateur radio is truly inspiring.

    David Jordan (AA4KN)
    2025 Carole Perry Educator of the Year Award

    An active AMSAT member, David works with ARISS to help coordinate amateur radio school contacts with astronauts on the International Space Station.

    Heather (W8GEM) and David Anderson (K1AN)
    2025 Gordon West Ambassador of the Year Award

    Heather and David encourage youth to become amateur radio operators through their involvement in the Youth Radio Club of the Yavapai Amateur Radio Club.

    More information about the award recipients and their achievements can be viewed here. HamCation takes place in Orlando February 7th - 9th.

    Source: HamCation

  • Fram2, SpaceX Plan SSTV Event from Polar Orbit

    Fram2 and SpaceX are planning an SSTV event to be transmitted from a Dragon spacecraft carrying 4 astronauts over the course of a 3-5 day polar orbit. This mission is unique in that spacecraft orbits rarely expose astronauts to polar regions of the planet.

    The SSTV event is an experimental radio competition aimed at high school and university students. Images of geographical locations will be transmitted out of order with students expected to receive, solve the puzzle, and identify the geographic location.

    No exact date has been published on the Fram2 website, but the mission is expected to launch this spring.

    Source: FRAM2

  • On-air Event Introduces Marines to Ham Radio

    Special event station PA25MC will be on the air January 23rd to introduce members of the Royal Army to amateur radio. Sponsored by the Royal Netherlands Army Signal Regiment, the event will utilize military equipment using as many bands as possible on SSB.

    QSL info:
    PI4VBD / Verbindingsdienst,
    Barchman Wuytierslaan 198,
    3818 LN Amersfoort,
    The Netherlands

    Source: VE7SAR

  • QuartzFest 2025 Takes Place January 19-25

    QuartzFest is an ARRL Specialty Convention held in January near Quartzsite, Arizona in the United States. No other hamfest in the world brings together in one gathering so much innovation in mobile antenna systems, mobile ham shacks, recreational vehicles, portable and mobile EMCOMM systems, off-the-grid living, alternative energy and radio education.

    Special events include:

    • Off Road Adventure
    • Hiking
    • ARRL Forum
    • Ham Radio Olympics
    • Balloon Launch
    • More [PDF]

    Speaker sessions include:

    • Amateur Television
    • Starlink 101
    • Mesh Workshop
    • Meshtastic Presentation
    • HandiHams
    • GMRS for Hams
    • Solar Batteries
    • More [PDF]

    Source: Quartzfest

  • West Bengal Radio Club will be active from Sagar Island

    From the West Bengal Radio Club:

    Team of West Bengal Radio Club will be active from Sagar Island, West Bengal from:

    More details about this DXpedition to follow.
    Follow the Special Event Page on QRZ for more updates

    All contacts will be verified through only.
    For eQSL, please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

    Source: West Bengal Radio Club

  • Phil-Mont Mobile Radio Club Celebrates 75 Years of Amateur Radio Excellence

    The following is a press release from the Phil-Mont Mobile Radio Club

    FORT WASHINGTON, PA - The Phil-Mont Mobile Radio Club (PMRC) is proud to announce its 75th Anniversary, marking a significant milestone in the club's history of public service and amateur radio enthusiasm.

    A celebratory banquet was held Saturday, November 9, 2024, from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM EST at the Whitemarsh Valley Event Center, located at 493 S. Bethlehem Pike, Fort Washington, PA 19034. The keynote address was given by Robert Famiglio, K3RF, ARRL Atlantic Division Director. Awards for lifetime contributions were given to Bill Popovic, W3AOK, Ed Masarsky, KB3IV and Steve Hoch, WU3I. The award for exceptional club service was given to Greg Cheng, KC3SMW. There was a raffle with over $800 in prizes, including the grand prize of a $500 Ham Radio Outlet Gift Certificate. Watch the PMRC 75th Anniversary Video Blast (3 min.) here: and see the pictures here:

    "We are thrilled to celebrate 75 years of PMRC's contributions to the amateur radio community. Throughout these 75 years, we've hosted countless events, participated in all the field days, thousands of nets, and engaged in community service that exemplifies our commitment to outreach and education. The friendships forged in this club have created a family that extends beyond just radio waves; we are united by shared experiences and memories," said Richard Roth, AA3RC, Club President. "This banquet was an opportunity to honor our shared achievements and enjoy an evening filled with camaraderie and joy."

    Formed on December 12th, 1949, the Phil-Mont Mobile Radio Club has been at the forefront of amateur radio operations in the Philadelphia region, providing public service, emergency communications, and fostering a community of radio enthusiasts.

    About Phil-Mont Mobile Radio Club:
    PMRC is an ARRL-affiliated club dedicated to promoting amateur radio, providing public service, and advancing the art and science of radio communication. With 202 members, the club offers various services including a newsletter, daily nets, license test sessions, mentoring, and on-air bulletins. For more information, go to:

    Source: Phil-Mont Mobile Radio Club

  • TPRFN Packet Network Seeks Additional Network Nodes

    The Packet Radio HF Forwarding Network (TPRFN) is looking for additional network nodes to further build out a packet network that currently spans the east cost of the US from Maine to Florida.

    TPRFN is a network that links existing VHF/UHF packet networks, and stand-alone nodes, together using HF bands and newer digital modes. It primarily uses NVIS-range links for its consistent dependability.

    TPRFN is currently looking to add nodes in New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. See the TPRFN website for more information, including a network map.

    Source: QRZ

Support us!!!

Category: Site Pages
Published: Wednesday, 18 September 2019
Written by kd8tut

Here's any easy way to support the club...

We accept donations as part of Amazon Smile. When you purchase from Amazon, a small percentage will be donated to the club.

Check it out here: BARA Amazon Smile